Saturday, January 7, 2023

Asset Insights with Adobe Analytics

What is Asset Insights?

Asset Insights feature in AEM is an armour to the modern day marketers which enables them to keep an eye on asset’s effectiveness and impact on their business across the IOT. It helps to track down usage statistics of the images that are used in third-party websites, Social channels, marketing campaigns, and Adobe’s creative solutions including AEM sites.

Adobe Analytics is an integral part of this solution, so the license has to be purchased separately if customer does not have an existing account. AEM is then integrated with Adobe Analytics which captures user activity details on the assets, such as the number of times an image is rated, clicked, and impressions (number of times an image is loaded on the website). Then, based on these statistics AEM assigns scores to images. The scores and performance statistics are used to select popular images for inclusion in catalogs, marketing campaigns, and so on. We can even formulate archival and license renewal policies based on these statistics.


The following diagram illustrates the solution design using Adobe Launch:


3 products i.e. Analytics, Launch and AEM has to configured along with installation of core components. Skip the piece which is already present in the existing implementation.



  1. Login to Launch :
  2. Create new web property
  3. Enable Adobe Analytics extension and attach the report suite created
  4. Go to Rules – Create New Rule
        Events – Library Loaded
        Actions- Custom Code – HTML 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4503/etc.clientlibs/dam/clientlibs/assetinsights/pagetracker.js"></script>
  5. Add one more rule:
       Events- Dom Ready
       Actions- Custom Code – Java script
       Add tracker javascript-  dom-ready-tracker.js
       Add one more action - image-click.js
  6. Publish all changes
  7. Integrate Launch with AEM-
  8. Create Integration -> Access an API -> Experience Platform Launch API
  9. Follow article here for all steps-


  1. Go to Tools -> Assets -> Insights Configuration

    Username/ Shared secret is found at Analytics > Admin > Company Settings > Web Services
  2. Check Embed options
  3. Go to Tools -> Cloud Services -> Legacy -> Analytics -> performance
  4. If Asset Id not created- Use JMX Mbean to fix it: http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/
  5. Launch (or DTM) Integration: Tools -> Cloud Services -> Adobe Launch Configurations

      Validate Header and Footer code that of Embed from Launch - it should be same.

  6. Go to /content/we-retail.html -> page properties and setup cloud services to use Launch
  7. Install latest Core components- 
  8. Install sample image component supporting insights tracking: 
  9. Use sample component on an AEM page to enable asset tracking.
Once the 3 products are configured, AEM sites will start sending analytics data to Adobe Analytics and "Get Embed Code" button enabled in Assets admin UI.

Data from Adobe Analytics server is synced with AEM by default. If we want to change the schedule, it can be done from this OSGi configuration:

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