Friday, August 14, 2020

Useful Tips for Excel

Here are some commonly used Excel formulas, you may run into need:

  1. Extract a portion of String - Left side of a match pattern
    Formula: =LEFT(A1,SEARCH("MyTest",A1)-1)
    A1 - the cell on which value to run this formula; It can be replaced with String value as needed
    MyTest- the search term
    Input: This is very tricky MyTest shows it rightly!
    Output: This is very tricky

  2. Extract a portion of String - Right side of a match pattern
    Formula: =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-SEARCH("MySecondTest",A1)-LEN("MySecondTest"))
    A1 - the cell on which value to run this formula; It can be replaced with String value as needed
    MySecondTest- the search term
    Input: This is very tricky MySecondTest shows it rightly!
    Output: shows it rightly!

  3. Storage Conversion- Convert all types to Byte
    Formula: =IF(TRIM(RIGHT(A1,2))="B",LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2),LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2)*(1024)^MATCH(RIGHT(TRIM(A1),2),{"KB","MB","GB"},0))
    A1 - the cell on which value to run this formula; It can be replaced with String value as needed

    Input: 1.1 GB
    Output: 1181116006

  4. Storage Conversion- Convert Byte to Relevant size
    Formula: =TEXT((A1/(1024^INT(LOG(A1,1024)))),"0.000")&CHOOSE(INT(LOG(A1,1024))," KB"," MB"," GB")
    A1 - the cell on which value to run this formula; It can be replaced with String value as needed

    Input: 1181116006
    Output: 1.1 GB

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