Thursday, July 28, 2016

AEM Troubleshooting/ Useful Links

Sharing few utility tools/ links-

1. To find the generated java files in AEM6.1

Generated JSP JAVA files used to be at -  /var/classes location but AEM6.1 on wards it's no longer present there. This is due to change of repository ClassLoader, now it uses FSClassLoader (File System ClassLoader) for better performance and throughput.

Generated JSP java files are located at- [AEM_INSTALL_DIR]/crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle[BUNDLE_ID]/data/classes

Source: For details read following article -

2. Dependency finder- 

Use the following link to know the maven dependency for a package-http://localhost:4502/system/console/depfinder

3. Rebuilding clientlibs-

Use following link to rebuild Client Libraries for CSS and JS-

4. Reecompile JSP

Use following link to recompile all generated JSP Java files-

5. Auto Deploy UI Package

mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage

For publish-  mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackagePublish -Daem.publish.port=4503

6. Auto Deploy Java Package

mvn clean install sling:install

7. Accessing repository through WebDav for Bulk uploads

Following link describes detailed steps on how to access the AEM repository through WebDav-

8. AEM Companion App:

Alternative to WebDav you can use AEM Companion App for Desktops. It is very helpful for managing DAM Assets directly from your system. Here is the link for documentation-

9. Grunt Integration with AEM-Maven Project

10. Monitoring/ Reporting

Go to- http://localhost:4502/miscadmin#/etc/reports. Following tools are available- 

 11. Bulk Editor/ Searching pages based on Parameters

12. Checking log files


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